Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sam Stosur wins US Open tennis

TONY EASTLEY: Australia's Sam Stosur has become the first Australian woman to win the US tennis open since 1973.

She beat Serena Williams 6-2, 6-3 during an emotion charged match.

Here's how Fox Sport's Nicole Pratt called the final point

(Sound of grunting)

MALE SPORTS COMMENTATOR: And she has done it. Sam Stosur has won the US Open and she has beaten Serena Williams 6-2, 6-3 in a dominant display.

NICOLE PLATT: What an unbelievable moment for Sam Stosur. She just cannot believe it.

TONY EASTLEY: Some of Fox Sports' coverage there.

On such a significant day for Americans, particularly those in New York, the tennis has taken on bit of extra meaning.

Our North America correspondent Michael Brissenden is at the US final and he joins us now.

Michael, good morning.

Firstly, there was an incident in the second set between Williams and the umpire. What happened in that?

MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Yes, good morning Tony. It was a very emotional match - outside the court and on the court. The first game of the second set, where Serena Williams basically expressed herself very loudly before she hit the ball which was un-tennislike behaviour - and the umpire took the point off her, gave the point to Sam Stosur and that won the first game of the second set.

Serena Williams then reacted very angrily towards the umpire, said quite a few fairly explosive things like 'you are an unattractive individual', she called the umpire at one point, and 'don't take the point off me for expressing myself, I'm an American'. (laughs)

She was certainly very angry and she rallied for the next couple of points but after that Sam Stosur won the game.

TONY EASTLEY: Michael, from what you've seen there today, have the fans invested more emotion in this final than they would have normally?

MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Oh, I certainly think there is no doubt about that. I mean, today is a very special day here of course. It is the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, and many of the people we spoke to as they were coming in were hoping that the last American standing in this tournament, which was Serena Williams, they were certainly hoping that she would do them proud and win this match.

And I think many of them were certainly expecting it. I mean, I think most of the tennis community were certainly expecting it too.

What happened was an unexpected upset, I'm sure.

TONY EASTLEY: I guess a number of Americans saw it as American pride on show. What was the reaction when Sam Stosur won? Did she get a good reaction from the pro-American crowd?

MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Oh, she certainly did and I think everybody here who saw the game saw that really Sam Stosur playing at her best, playing a lot better than Serena Williams in the end and she certainly deserved to win the game.

And there will be a lot of controversy about the way Serena Williams reacted to the umpire's decision at the beginning of that second set. A lot of people and certainly the commentary here was very- was very much along the line that it wasn't the right thing to be doing, it wasn't the proper way to approach the game and that in the end, it didn't do Serena Williams much good at all.

TONY EASTLEY: Our correspondent in New York, Michael Brissenden.

Well, Sam Stosur has just been interviewed in New York centre court. Here is some of what she told Fox Sports.

SAM STOSUR: Yeah, I think I had one of my best days so I guess I am very fortunate to have been able to do it on this stage in New York where I have always loved to play - so thanks everyone.

INTERVIEWER: You have been dreaming about this since you were about 10-years-old?

SAM STOSUR: About that, ever since I really started playing and knew what a Grand Slam was. This was a dream of mine to be here one day and it's... a kind of speech I don't even really know what to say and how I'm feeling but...

INTERVIEWER: Does it feel the way you thought it would feel?

SAM STOSUR: I think so. I think it does (laughs). But I do want to say, Serena, you are obviously a fantastic player and a great champion and you have done wonders for our sport so thank you very much.


INTERVIEWER: Very nice. It is about 8.15 in the morning in the Gold Coast, Monday morning. You figure a couple of people have just watched this back home?

SAM STOSUR: I think so. From the messages I was getting, lots of people were getting up early and watching so thanks everyone back home for supporting me.

(Applause and cheering)

I don't know what to say. Every- All my friends, all my family and everyone else, thanks so much for supporting me all the time, not just today but forever. So I look forward to coming back home.

TONY EASTLEY: Sam Stosur speaking centre court there in New York after she beat Serena Williams 6-2, 6-3 in the US women's final.

View the original article here

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